Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Chocolate bacon?

You might be thinking, "has she gone crazy?" or "does she have to have chocolate with everything?" The answer is probably a little bit of both. Not long ago, my hubby and I watched dinner impossible on food network channel, and watched the guy make an incredibley tasty looking dessert with bacon. We couldn't help but make our own version and try it ourselves.

It turns out this salty sweet treat is wonderful! If and when I ever get my own bakery up and running, I have decided that this will be an addition to the menu. In the mean time, If you ever have a craving for something extremely bad for you, I suggest to try this.


Janet said...

And I thought you were kidding!!! It looks pretty, but deadly.

Nice to see you back in the "dorky" blogger land, as some of our relatives will call us. Oh well, at least we're in good company!

JP said...

Hmm...not so sure about that one. Are you bringing any? Might have to try it then.

sarah said...

first of all, i didn't know you were back to blogging! yay.

secondly. i love you, cousin, but GROSS.